We found Mao not easy.

We found Mao not easy.
I don't like fighting fate very much.

this summer, "China has Hip Hop" has added two English words to the Internet buzzwords: "REAL" and & quot;DISS"."

later, the phrase "one to freedom, one to the past" has become a new melancholy golden sentence in people's mouth.

probably what even the organizers of "the son of tomorrow" did not expect is that this song "eliminating worry" has 500 million additional views across the network.

this boy is not easy.

at the beginning of school, a few boys in the class changed majors one after another.

it's not easy for Mao to say, "No. My parents want me to have a stable job in the future, and then find a wife and have another child. It doesn't really matter to me. "

there are some transferred majors who respect their majors, but most of them don't love their majors, just like Mao:

"do you have any plans?" His roommate asked him.

when a person tells you a lot of hobbies, it's possible that he doesn't have any hobbies.

this is true.

the number of fans and the number of broadcasts are rising after Mao is not very popular.

after the Lunar New year, Mao is not easy to return to Hangzhou from his hometown. Together with 8 million graduates from across the country, he is about to finish his internship and graduate soon.

in moments, some students have found a job, some are preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination, and some are preparing to go home to inherit the family business.

he sent a Weibo message that night.

he doesn't like change;

has no expectation of life, because he won't be disappointed.

when reporters ask him about his future life plans, he always answers in seconds:

"there is no plan, let's take it one step at a time."

students who have studied guitar know that there is a very important thing in the guitar, called chords. As long as you know some chords and some basic music theories, you can play a lot of songs. (Jay Chou's "the longest Movie" and Lin Junjie's "she said" both use the same simple chord direction. You can compare it. )

this proves one point:

in June of the same year, Mao not easy to start his career as a trainee nurse.

after leaving school, Mao began to live a personal life. Living alone, working alone, facing all kinds of exciting emotions in the hospital.

Mao is not easy to describe the hospital environment in this way:

"anyway, that kind of environment will make you not as calm as in normal life, sometimes." This kind of restlessness will cause some emotional and mental fluctuations, and you will want to record it. "

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and most of the works he has sung in the competition were basically written during that time in the hospital.

for example, the song "eliminating worry" was written in June 2017, when it was graduation season. After finishing his internship at the hospital, he will step out of school and become a "social person".

at this special time, some people choose to share the feeling of leaving with others, and some people turn their worries into diaries, but it is not easy for Mao to write him into a song.

he said: "sometimes I think a lot, sometimes I don't bother to think about anything, then my temper is not always stable and strange, I don't know what I want to do in the future, I don't want to work hard, and sometimes I'm not reconciled to it."

at that time, it was not easy for Mao to stand on the stage, but he just smiled.

on the contrary, you can always see a lot of positive things in his songs. For example:

if one day I become very rich

eat, drink and chat happily every day

I hope you feel like a superstar

if you personally don't really want to be a superstar

how do you still use a relationship

"in fact, the strawberry flavor of strawberry ice cream and the strawberry flavor of strawberry are two different flavors, so why do people think that both flavors are strawberry?"

of the 14 original songs for the competition of the son of tomorrow, almost none of the songs are written with a specific story and segment. Mao is not easy to laugh that this kind of creation is because he has too much drama in his mind, but I think, his talent lies in:

Mao is not easy to say that he is an amateur superstar, which is true.

during the tenth episode of the son of tomorrow, he sang "203", a song written for him to rent a house during his internship. When everyone gave a high praise, Xue Zhiqian and Hua Chenyu started diss abnormally.

but Mao's pussy is not faked. I remember that during the audition, because he was nervous, he drank a whole bottle of liquor in the waiting room; on the stage, Mao was not used to staying in the corners and corners, and there was no expression of true feelings.

after that, Mao not easy also came up with some works that made people feel good, such as "borrowing", but what impressed me most was his attitude.

he doesn't retort, make excuses, or explain.

having participated in the competition for so long, one of the words he said with the most attitude and position was: "I just want to show you my song."

it's not that he gives up, but because he's tired enough to try to live, and he doesn't bother to defend himself.

so there is a "worry-dispelling" fire.


if Mao Bian didn't win the championship, maybe this message will not exceed ten turns on Weibo, because everyone is too familiar with the feeling of "devoid of everyone". We are all missing a piece in our hearts, and we are all no different. We are all very ordinary, so ordinary that we are 108000 miles away from the title of "beloved son of Heaven".

because we are not reconciled to ordinary, everyone wants to live a special life.

next, we start looking for ourselves.


Chen Lian

We want to give you a reason to continue to face this lousy life